The Why.

Whilst out getting a bit of fresh air today with my wife and baby boy we were discussing this venture and I was pondering how I could go about generating interest and interaction between people in the Facebook group.

At this point in time, there are only about 10 people in there, but in order to start a conversation, there needs to be a topic that can get people talking. In order to get people talking I think we first need to consider “the why”. What is it that is going to lead to people talking about their feelings in a new group, full of strangers? Why would they do this? What are they going to get out of it?

To better understand this, I think we need to be asking ourselves these questions. Who are we doing this for? If it is just a case of doing this for yourself and the benefits that you will get out of it by engaging with other people and knowing that you are not alone, then great, you are absolutely in the right place, this was me, wanting validation that I was not crazy. If you are looking to do this for your family, if something is proving to be an issue in your house and you need someone to speak to, then this is perfect too. By talking about feelings and worries, the benefits to you and your family can be huge.

If you have children of any age and are just looking to interact with like-minded, open people then this is the place.