That Covid Feeling

A week after Esther tested positive, I have finally returned a positive test myself. When I had to go to bed at 9PM last night, I knew something was up. This is very unlike me, I am normally a night owl, my time with my baby boy. I would normally be up and do the late feed before ambling to bed around midnight, but last night no. And this morning the test came back positive, however not feeling too bad though, bit of a tickly cough, bit of a headache but nothing too serious hopefully. This is a far stretch from what Esther has had for the past week, so say she has been feeling atrocious would be an understatement. Bed where was where she was most comfortable, which lead to me keeping our two year old entertained and distracted as much as possible, so she wasn’t constantly asking for mummy. We have managed our way through it and she is now on the upwards curve, but now I have come down with it, fingers are firmly crossed that it passes soon!

At the same time, I have been working on building up some content to post on the social media pages and posing questions, with little interaction with the current following. I am understanding more that these can’t be randomly posted and that they are going to need to be planned ahead of time – I need to have posts ready to go weeks in advance and need to consider when the best time will be to release them. The most recent was posted in the middle of the day and with hindsight (a beautiful thing) this was probably not the best time to do so. People will have been at work and won’t have been able to engage, a release in the evening would have been a much better time to promote engagement, when most people have a bit more time on their hands.

There is also the case of the podcast that I am looking to create, there is so much more to it than I originally thought, lots of planning needed, but I am so excited to get going with this. I feel that this is a great opportunity for an insight into the different ways of Dad Life. Stay tuned.