My Toddler Needs Glasses.

For a little while, we have noticed that our nearly three year old girl has had a bit of a squint, this is something that was definitely more obvious when she was tired, or looking to focus on something a bit further away, nursery had even mentioned it to us before. When it came to getting this looked at more, we tried booking an appointment at the local opticians, however when the time came for the appointment, we were informed that they wouldn’t be able to do this with her as she was under five and that we would need to get an appointment at the doctors to see a specialist. This was in the diary for a while and she went this morning. I think we were expecting them to tell us that she had a bit of a lazy eye and would need a patch for a little bit to correct this. It turns out that it is significantly more than this and that she has reduced vision in one of her eyes and that she will need glasses to correct this.

Throughout the day, I have caught myself feeling all manner of conflicting emotions and just wanting to give her cuddles all the time. In my head, she is too young to need glasses. She has never complained about her vision or not being able to see well. She is the happiest little girl I have ever seen, how can something like this be affecting her? On the other hand, when she does get the right glasses, she is going to be able to see the world in a completely different light and this makes me incredibly happy that we will be able to get this sorted for her.

I do wonder how she will adjust to needing to wear them all the time and if she will understand. Maybe I am making a mountain out of a molehill in my head, but something doesn’t sit right that my little princess, who isn’t even three yet is going to need glasses. I fully understand how crucial it is for a child’s development that they can see as well as possible and that by her having glasses, this will be the best way to assist this.

Just another part of the parenting journey.