Covid Returns

Covid has returned to our household. After a long period of time where covid has seemed to be out of our minds, it has come back with a vengeance. Esther has just told me that she thinks her taste has gone after handing me a hot honey and lemon and asking if it just tastes like hot water to me – sorry darling, but I can definitely taste it. Our little girl had struggles with sleep last night as a cough kept her up most of the night and the little man has a temperature and has lost interest in his milk. I am still testing negative though… the Calpol is coming in clutch at the moment.

We were supposed to be heading up to Scotland for our little man’s first visit to Papa and Grandma’s house this weekend, but those plans have now gone out of the window. We don’t want to be spreading this again. I think we’ve picked it up from my sister’s children, who appear to have brought it home from school. It’s a solid reminder that this it still at large, even if we had momentarily forgotten about the disruption that it can cause.

Hopefully there is a significant improvement over the next few days or it could be a tricky one with everyone in the household ill and two young children needing lots of cuddles and attention. Fingers are firmly crossed that it is as bad as it gets.