About Me

Hello everybody. I am Nick and this is my family. We became a family of four at the beginning of this year and we have been getting to grips with a completely different dynamic to when our daughter was born in the middle of the lockdown in the Summer of 2020.

Just before our baby boy was born, I had a bit of a wobble which after discussing with Esther, I started to look for groups where men could talk about the challenges that they have faced in their journey in an open environment. There didn’t seem a lot out there that resonated with me and that I felt like I could share my concerns. This is why I have started The Dad Space. I want to create an environment where men can feel comfortable sharing and to get others to show that the thoughts, concerns and challenges that Dads might face have been experienced by many others before and that we, as a collective can make sure you don’t feel alone with potentially negative thoughts.