A Weekend of Reflection.

After connecting with some friends that I haven’t seen for a while over the weekend and explaining my current and recent work situations, I have found it a really great time to reflect, as well as some quality time spent outside on the golf course with some good friends.

A couple of the things that I have realised over the weekend are that there are a number of opportunities here that I cannot pass up on. I have an opportunity to spend some real quality time with my 3 month old son, a lot more time than other dads might be able to get themselves, with an office-based job, many people will be leaving to head to work early in the morning and arriving home well into the evening, limiting the time that they are able to spend with their children. My family are at the heart of this journey for me, so being able to take time to have lunch with them, or go for a walk, or play with them at times throughout the day are priceless.

I have an opportunity to turn something that I am passionate about into something more and it has the potential to benefit a lot of people.

I also understand now, more than before that I need to absolutely double down on building this up, more content needs to be planned and released, I need to spread the word more and get people engaging. Somebody recently messaged me after I put a post on a popular website to join a chat about fatherhood, as it happens, I have looked at this and it doesn’t overlap with The Dad Space at the moment, but it has further made me realise that this needs to get noticed by more people and quickly. I feel like at times I have been getting a little overwhelmed with how many things I want to do and flittering between them all. The Podcast has great potential too. Over the weekend, one of my friends, who is also a dad, told me that if I was to start a podcast, he would definitely tune in. There are so many ways of reaching different people, some listen to podcasts whilst on the go, some like shorter, more accessible posts and for some, they are looking for a place where they can contribute, write and engage.

This week needs to be a week of laser focus for me, with some key objectives hit by the end of it. One of the most important ones to consider (and I think this will be an ongoing challenge) is how to get complete strangers to open up to each other.

Updates to follow on the trial and error this week!